Thursday, October 11, 2012

Coco's 3? How can that be!

Oh me-oh-my, how can it be?
Our little Chloe is turning 3
Growing up as fast as can be
She's a gem of a girl, as I'll demonstrate to thee.

She's as quick as whip
And sharp as a tack.
Always ready with a quip
Or (look out!) prepping her next sneak attack.

She's still our "lil' Pig Pen"
But at least now the plate stays on the table.
In terms of mess making, I give her a 10,
Though when it's time to clean, she pretends she's not able.

Coco's a little charmer
Making friends wherever she goes.
Except for bees (she thinks they'll harm her)
And other flying things, which are her biggest foes.

She's not a fan of boats that rock,
But she likes to rock the boat.
She definitely thinks outside the flock
And loves to press the "Upside Down" button on her remote.

Chloe likes to dance, sing, and giggle,
Somersault, spin, and wiggle.
When she's happy, she squeals with delight
But when angry, you're in for a fight.

She eats fruit likes its about to disappear
And already has a passion for shoes.
She loves to play in water that's clear
Ask her about her favourite colour and it's purple she'll choose.

She's hanging on to blankie
And all her little friends.
It's no secret what to do when she's cranky:
Get blankie into her little hands!

Hanging out with Chloe is pure joy
- She's truly a one-of-a-kind gal.
She's more fun than any toy
And will forever be one of my best my pals.

Oh me-oh-my, how can it be?
Our little Chloe is turning 3
Growing up as fast as can be
She's a gem of a girl, as I've demonstrated to thee.