King of the Rails
Turns five today
So everyone shout "Hooray"!
Can't believe he's already five
That sho ain't no jive
He just keeps growin & growin'
When will he stop? Nobody's knowin'
He made the jump to school
Without looking back
C'est en français (he thinks its cool)
And loves to sport his Cars backpack
And just when we thought that trains were out
They returned even stronger
Now Lightning McQueen & co can be seen to be pout
While Thomas & friends will stick around a little longer
He builds a new track or two every day
With tunnels, twists, turns, and hills
So intricate they blow me away
Who knows, maybe he's developing skills to pay the bills!
He's still got his mad observations powers
And never misses a beat.
Over most kids his age he towers
Yet he's the sweetest you'll ever meet.
Kael loves to laugh & play
And brings joy to all those around him.
At gymnastics he loves to swing and fly away
And pull other crazy moves on a whim.
His memory is quite unbelievable
That he knows stories front to back.
He can even be quite reasonable
When Chloe is on the attack.
Yup, he's a great big brother
That's always up for a hug.
A KC embrace makes me shudder
With warm fuzzy feelings - I feel like a big lug.
Big Kael
King of the Rails
Turns five today
So everyone shout "Hooray"!