Coco turns 2!!!
Coco turns 2!
"No way, Jose"
Chloe, you're already 2? - "Yes daddy, okaaaay?"
I know Coco, but it's hard to believe it's true.
The beautiful girl with the eyelashes long
and the machine gun of a giggle.
Who sings all kinds of songs
- especially the ones by the Wiggles.
She loves to get filthy when she plays
Hence the nickname "pig pen"
That part of her hasn't changed since her baby days;
Will it still be the same when she's ten?
Chloe can be very mischievous
Or as sweet as a chocolate chunk cookie
One minute she'll send flying her dishes
And the next be cuddling with blankie.
She can build a "tower of power"
In 2 minutes flat.
She loves to smell the flowers
And learn about animals with the Cat in the Hat.
She's a real superstar
Who talks and already knows her ABCs
She sings along to Twinkle Little Star
And counts to dix with ease.
That which she's not a fan:
Wasps, blankie "taking a bath" and spicy things.
I wonder what the third year will bring
For the girl with hair the colour of sand.

Happy Birthday my sweet Coco
May this year be another great one.
Mommy, Daddy, Kael and Flea love you GROS GROS
Kiddo, just keep having fun!