As Chloe turn one
Hey, here's that blankie?
Oh hey, now where's that thumb?
You crawl at the speed of light
Disappear in flash
Stand all of 1 ft at full height
Just before the inevitable crash
You're a curious girl
Who likes to point out flowers and planes
I love to hold you in my arms and swirl
And you love to suck on Kael's trains
Yes, you adore your big brother
And just want to be like him
Everyday, you have a blast with your mother
Except when she gives your nails a trim
When I fold your cute, miniature clothes
I can't but go, "Awwwwww"
When I give you an Eskimo kiss on the nose
You can't help but go, "Haaaaa"
You're already growing up Schmoop
Before we know it you'll be in school
Next thing we know you'll be leaving the coop
And telling us we're SO not cool
But for now...
It's one for Chloe
As Chloe turns one
Hey, where's that blankie?
Oh hey, now where's your thumb?