“Forty is the old age of youth; fifty is the youth of old age.”
If Craig wasn`t thinking of his upcoming landmark birthday yet, he sure is now. The surprise party, when successfully pulled off, remains a winner; the celebratee is surrounded by loved ones when they least expect it. And given that Craig`s official 40th is not until September, he cannot be faulted for not suspecting it.
The whole episode was particularly amusing because of Craig`s attitude as we drove out to Scott Jonction, a town south of Quebec City about halfway to Maine, where most of the family on Maman`s side were awaiting. He spent a good portion of the ride whining about why on earth Mom would choose a restaurant out in the boonies when there are about 1000 nice restaurants in Quebec City! `Guess Mom is getting a little loopy as she ages`, I replied, giggling to myself whle shooting a knowing glance at Michele.
And sure enough, once we got there, we were overwhelmed with greetings from the amazing Tetu side of the family. I was so excited to see them - and with good reason. Ils sont formidables! It was pandemonium at first, all the adults doing la bise, hugging and talking over one another while the children screamed with joy while running around (``Y en a de la marmonne icitte`` said mononcle Reno). It felt so refreshing to be back in a culture that is so openly affectionate again.
Of course Kael was a major point of interest, as most of my quebecois family were meeting him for the first time, but he was far from the only child. All of my other cousins, except for one, are now unmarried with children. It`s true; there are five couples in total who have children and none of them are married. Michele and I are the odd couple out here!
But the night belonged to Craig, of course. They had balloons, a card signed by all, plus another impromptu violent birthday card created by six year-olds Leo and Youri (who don`t speak the same language!), candles in crepes smothered in maple butter rather than a cake, and some great pictures from trips of the countryside in Montmagny where we used to spend our summer vacations as kids. Those pictures of us riding the tractor or playing sports out in the great expanse of the `front yard` brought back fantastic memories.
It may not have been the raging party many 40th celebrations turn out to be, but I`m sure Craig was happy with the fine company of the Tetu family.Plus, he`ll get his rager come September. Whenever we are all together we are never short on laughter and merriment. Grandmaman Berthe actually said it best when she told me, after telling a surprisingly dirty joke at dinner, `I came into this world laughing and that`s how I`m going to leave it, too. Laughter is the music of the soul`
Amen, grandmaman.