(In the tradition of Cliff)
All hail Kael
Who today turns one
Congrats on being the first Pady male,
The first Chrishele Blady bun.
You emerged from the womb
On a rainy day in November
Into a forgettable hospital room
Gifting us a memory to remember forever.
You cried and cried and cried
All through the first fourteen weeks.
We lied and lied and lied
Saying all was good - even though it was a little bleak.
We tried myriad ways
To calm you down and console you.
But nothing would eliminate the greys
Prompting Dad to exclaim: "The kid is inconsolable!"
And then one miraculous morning,
A grand grin suddenly spread wide across your face.
It came from nowhere, without warning
To light up our tiny, little place.
From that momentous moment on
The "K-man" has been a happy boy.
His mysterious blues are long gone
An empty yoghurt container his favourite toy.
He's got big blue eyes
And wrist and ankle bracelets too.
Everyday he drops off a stinky surprise
In his wearable loo.
He doesn't yet talk, but he likes to babble
Recounting his day's adventure's before sleep.
He doesn't yet walk, but he does like to straddle
Getting studier by the day on those little feet.
Kael puts anything and everything into his kisser
Including mud, rocks and random dangerous things.
And when momma leaves the room, he sure does miss her
Wailing so loud it makes poor Daddy's ears ring.
He's an EXTREMELY active baby
Which sometimes drives mom a bit mad.
He sneakily gets into all the places he shouldn't be,
As if it were the latest fad.
He's headstrong and determined
And knows exactly what he wants.
Sometimes his parents' patience grows so thin
They consider shipping him off to Vermont!
Of course, we would never do that
Because K-man, you bring us too much joy.
Even if you occasionally drive us to the edge of the vat
You will always be our precious boy.
We look forward to seeing you blossom
In your second year on the planet.
May your next year simply be "totally awesome"
And, well, full of joy damn it!